Week 4

Section 1: Progress Overview

This week, we concentrated on correcting past errors and establishing the inventory system along with UI Sound FX and Environment. We also paid attention to refining established systems and incorporating new features to bolster gameplay and user experience.

Section 2: Updates on Specific Improvements


The health UI element in the screenshot features the following components:

  • Heart Icon: Located on the left side, representing the player’s health status visually.
  • Health Percentage: Displayed next to the heart icon, showing “25%”, indicating that the player has 25% of their total health remaining.
  • Heartbeat Line: is a visual indicator to add visual flare and a visual cue to intuitively understand the purpose of the Health Bar.
  • Health Bar: A horizontal bar below the heartbeat line, partially filled with a white color corresponding to the health percentage, visually representing the player’s remaining health.

Vehicle UI has the following Components: 

  • Fuel meter:  fuel level is shown as a radial graph with a numeric value (44) indicating the current fuel percentage.
  • Light Indicator: Shows a lightbulb to show when the headlights are activated
  • Engine Indicator: Shows the engine icon when the engine is started

All these are indications of the players interactions and give them feedback and information about the state of the vehicle.

Item Hotbar:

Hotbar UI has the following Components: 

• Item Slots: Several item slots arranged horizontally, allowing players to quickly access their items.

• Highlighted Selection Indicator: A distinct highlight (orange) that indicates the currently selected item slot.

World Update

We've created two zones: a starting area where the player exits from a bunker/shelter, providing an opportunity to learn and discover in this less challenging part of the game. Subsequently, they can venture forth into a Small city, Reminiscent  of our hometown, Launceston. We're continually adding and expanding these areas.

Inventory system

Early iteration of inventory system.

Latest Version:

We have implemented an inventory system that keeps track of interactable game objects and UI hotbar for quick access to resources. As seen in the video above, you can pick up and move objects in your inventory and place them where desired, including on the vehicle.

Melee system rework

Reverted to the raycasting method for melee to enable a more consistent and accurate implementation, enhancing the game’s feel and modularity. This change should improve the overall user experience

Advantages of Using Raycast Melee System Over Colliders

  • Precision and Control: Offers exact hit detection crucial for impact effects in gameplay.
  • Performance Efficiency: Consumes less processing power than colliders, optimizing game performance.
  • Simplified Implementation: Easier to set up with fewer components than collider-based systems.
  • Consistency: Delivers reliable results .
  • Reduced Clipping Issues: Minimizes unexpected object interactions like clipping.
  • Easier Debugging and Tuning: Simplifies adjustments and fine-tuning of the combat mechanics.

Car Audio Update

Integrated a car engine audio effect that fluctuates based on the vehicle's speed and the state of the engine - on or off.

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